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Energy Advice Programme (EAP)

Our energy project enables us to provide information and advice on energy related issues, via telephone, face to face or video appointments. 

These appointments can cover the following areas:

  • Helping people to understand their energy bills

  • Assessing individual’s benefit entitlement

  • Giving smart meter advice

  • Giving practical energy efficiency advice to ensure that clients are saving money

  • Giving energy advice on fuel options, tariffs, energy grants, switching suppliers

  • Assistance with billing and meter reading


In addition to the advice above, we may be able to provide energy advice on issues including: 

  • Dealing with and reducing fuel debt

  • Assisting with other sources of “one-off” support, including Local welfare assistance scheme

  • Identification of eligibility for Warm Home Discount and/or Priority Service Register.

  • Assisting with communications from energy suppliers including correcting bills or negotiating payment plans 


Subject to eligibility, and receiving advice as part of our Energy Advice Programme we have access to one off funding for emergency pre-payment meter top ups, this is part of our partnership with the Fuel Bank Foundation.


If our advisers identify other related issues, we can refer internally to other projects for further assistance, or we can refer and signpost externally to other community partners who may be able to help further.

If you feel you would benefit from an energy appointment please complete the self referral form by clicking here

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Stevenage Citizens Advice és una organització benèfica registrada. Número de registre: 1077414   Membre de l'Associació Nacional d'Atenció Ciutadana. Una empresa limitada per garantia Reg. Núm. 03836106 Anglaterra Autoritzat i regulat per la Financial Conduct Authority - FRN: 617753


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