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The Big Help Out Events
Come meet us and join our team!

To mark His Majesty The King’s Coronation, thousands of charities and not-for-profit groups across the country are coming together on Monday 8th May to raise awareness of volunteering opportunities available within local communities and increase participation in volunteering.

We will be sharing our volunteer roles to encourage people to volunteer with us, advertising the available roles, and inspiring people to join our team and make a difference!

During our Big Help Out event on Tuesday 9th May, we will be hosting an online event from 10 am to 11:30 am (sign up here for the online event) and we will be at Stevenage Town Centre for a face-to-face event from 13:00. During both the events we will highlight the positive impact volunteering with us can have on individuals and the wider community.


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Join us and help us to do something amazing! Volunteer today!

Sign up for our online event here


Stevenage Citizens Advice erregistratutako ongintzazko erakunde bat da. Erregistro zenbakia: 1077414   Herritarren Arretarako Elkarte Nazionaleko kidea. Bermeen Erregelamenduko Enpresa Mugatua. zk. 03836106 Ingalaterra Finantza Jokabiderako Agintaritzak baimendua eta arautua - FRN: 617753


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